Meet the Animals

Therapy with animals increases willingness to join in activities, improves confidence, develops motor and social skills and encourages interaction between the client, the animal and the therapist.

  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the AnimalsPlaceholder
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals
  • Meet the Animals


Animals In Residence

7 Chickens: Cocoa, Honey, Paprika, Sage, Rosemary, Poppy, & Crazy Legs

6 Goats: Billy, Marigold, Ivy, Juniper, Scout & Finn

2 Cats: Salem & Tony


Georgia Rose Farm is an animal friendly space. Whether it’s feeding the goats some oats from your hand, or allowing a cat to nap in your lap, we encourage guests to connect with the animals who live here. In addition, ourĀ  practitioners and clients often bring their dogs participate in sessions.